Unlock Your Wealth Potential

Our mission is to leave no stone unturned in helping you plan for a secure tomorrow while maximizing your life today. Whether you’re nearing retirement or in the midst of your career, we offer personalized investment management, comprehensive financial planning, and insurance services to help ensure your financial well-being at every stage of life.

Our Process

When you work with Centera Private Wealth, you’re partnering with a team that C.A.R.E.S.

Step 1

During our initial obligation-free consultation, our advisors will get to know you and gain a deeper understanding of your goals and values. Together, we'll explore whether Centera Private Wealth is the right fit for your unique needs.

Step 2

Our team will assess your financial data behind-the-scenes to provide you with a comprehensive financial assessment, initial recommendations, and a proposal for how we can work together moving forward.

Step 3

Once we’ve established the plan, our job is to help you realize your financial goals. We’ll implement your plan in a phased approach, meeting with you every step of the way to ensure you’re involved in each step of the process.

Step 4

Financial planning isn’t a one-and-done activity. Life moves quickly – especially as a leader or business owner. Regular meetings help ensure your plan is up-to-date and on track, and that we can make adjustments as needed to maximize your life.

Step 5

When we partner with clients in an ongoing capacity, you receive access to our team for any financial questions you may have as time goes on.

We specialize in tailoring bespoke financial solutions for executives, leaders, and business owners in the Houston, Texas area and nationwide.

Areas of Specialization

We believe in a fully customized, bespoke approach to financial advice. Our team is proud to offer exceptional services that span a wide range of areas of knowledge, including:

Business Exit Planning

Retirement Planning

Tax Strategy

Estate & Legacy Planning

Education Funding

Caring for Aging Parents

Maximizing Equity Compensation

Creating Cash Flow from their Business

Investing for Short & Long Term Goals

Offered through Lincoln Investment

Staying Organized & On Track

Whatever phase of life you’re in, or financial roadblock you’re facing down – we’re here to help.

Want to Learn More?

We’d love to learn more about your goals, and how we can help you make them a reality. Schedule a consultation today!